
Warranty for Pilla italics
Pilla has been supplying products and providing services to the cemetery and funerary art market since 1935, all of which are characterised by its strong drive towards innovation, attentive research and state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques to achieve what can, without exaggeration, be defined as ultimate superior quality.
The experience and skills of a unique and unparalleled group of researchers has led to the adoption of special technologies developed in almost two years of research, to create a particular protective under varnish treatment for the most difficult shapes to be lacquered due to their edges or or unusual angles.
The cursives are what mainly benefit from this discovery, with a ten-year warranty that confirms the result obtained with this treatment. Qualitatively speaking, they will now be positioned alongside all the other types of articles with rounded shapes that have never encountered any type of problem.
The experience and skills of a unique and unparalleled group of researchers has led to the adoption of special technologies developed in almost two years of research, to create a particular protective under varnish treatment for the most difficult shapes to be lacquered due to their edges or or unusual angles.
The cursives are what mainly benefit from this discovery, with a ten-year warranty that confirms the result obtained with this treatment. Qualitatively speaking, they will now be positioned alongside all the other types of articles with rounded shapes that have never encountered any type of problem.

The Pilla corsives are covered by a 10-year warranty against any fault or defect of Pilla s.r.l. products attributable to their manufacture. Therefore the warranty does not cover faults and defects attributable to negligence, tampering, imperfect installation, accidents, force majeure events independent of any actions or omissions by Pilla s.r.l., use of accessories or components connected to any Pilla srl products and not approved by the manufacturer. The warranty is also null and void if, during the warranty period, the purchased product are repaired and/or tampered with by third parties, or parts or components are replaced without the prior authorisation of the manufacturer Pilla s.r.l. The conventional warranty applies exclusively to the products object of an original purchase, and is therefore not extended to resold or used products.
The conventional warranty issued by Pilla srl, (article 133 Consumer Code) is therefore intended as additional to the legal warranty, and does not replace or compromise any rights that the consumer customer is granted by law.
This warranty is only and exclusively applicable if the defective product is sent to Pilla srl, Via San Lorenzo 10 - 36100 Carrè (VI) Italy, together with the warranty certificate attached to these warranty conditions within the aforementioned warranty term. In order for the warranty to be applicable, the warranty certificate must be completed in full and therefore indicate: customer details, date of purchase, stamp and signature of the retailer and the product code. The defective product transportation costs and risks from and to the Pilla s.r.l. registered office as indicated above are the sole responsibility of the customer.
The conventional warranty issued by Pilla srl, (article 133 Consumer Code) is therefore intended as additional to the legal warranty, and does not replace or compromise any rights that the consumer customer is granted by law.
This warranty is only and exclusively applicable if the defective product is sent to Pilla srl, Via San Lorenzo 10 - 36100 Carrè (VI) Italy, together with the warranty certificate attached to these warranty conditions within the aforementioned warranty term. In order for the warranty to be applicable, the warranty certificate must be completed in full and therefore indicate: customer details, date of purchase, stamp and signature of the retailer and the product code. The defective product transportation costs and risks from and to the Pilla s.r.l. registered office as indicated above are the sole responsibility of the customer.